Friday, April 6, 2018

Rewards and incentives can be bad...WHAT?!

Aymii explains why rewards and incentives are not the best tools to use to motivate people.

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

Rewards and incentives can be bad...WHAT?!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

What really motivates us? It's not money!

Aymii shares methods to motivate people to do complicated tasks without using financial rewards.

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

What really motivates us? It's not money!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Coaches, mentors, specialists, and consultants - oh my!

Aymii discusses the difference between coaches, mentors, specialists, and consultants, and shares how a specialist helped her make a breakthrough.

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Aymii's Dream Job?

Aymii shares a personal story about a career crisis of her own, from her speech, Debug Your Career.

Aymii's Dream Job?

An Excerpt from Aymii's speech, "Debug Your Career."

Aymii shares a short excerpt from her speech, Debug Your Career.

Debug Your Career

Debug Your Career - Taking Risks (A Short Preview)

In this preview of her speech, Debug Your Career, Aymii shares how she can help you learn how to take risks and put yourself out there.

Debug Your Career - Taking Risks

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Aymii's Personal Connection to Public Speaking

Aymii shares a personal story that led her to public speaking and coaching others.

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

A Personal Connection to Public Speaking