Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lemons, humbleness and resilience.

I tell a story about a lemon that made me re-evaluate my own perspective on people and share a bright spot in the midst of hurricane Irma devastation.  

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

Lemons, humbleness and resilience.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

You look gorgeous, darling! How to give and receive compliments and why it's so important.

I talk about why compliments are trickier than they first appear, how they can help improve your life both personally and professionally and how not to come off as an insensitive jerk when complimenting someone.  

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

You look gorgeous, darling!

Friday, September 1, 2017

The power of small commitments: Micro-steps and No Zero Days

I talk about the concept of micro-steps and how you can combine them with the concept of having "no zero days" to accomplish some pretty big things in life.  You'll hear my stories, and I'd love to hear yours too!  

Note: If you don't hear sound, right click the video and choose "unmute."

Insights with Aymii
Facebook Live

Micro-steps and No Zero Days