Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The smallest step

Hello world.

I've done just about everything I can think of besides write this post.  Make coffee, eat candy, clean the house, get the mail, grocery get the idea, but now, here I am, face-to-face with the daunting white rectangle of the blank page...and I'm the one who's supposed to know how to "get things done."

I have committed to sitting and writing for 15 minutes and not caring too much what comes out.  There's a beauty to taking action, and even more of a feeling of strength when the intention is to head in the right direction, but starting to blog again is daunting to me, so I had to ask myself...what's the very smallest step I can take?  Can I pick a template for the blog?  Sure...I can definitely handle that!  Done!  I feel a tiny boost of energy.

Ok, now...maybe just one more about picking a font?  Boom!  Trebuchet!  Check me out, I'm on fire!  So, I can totally do one more thing.  How about writing for a bit?  Hmm...that sounds scary...  Well, what about just 15 minutes?  Ok, I can totally do that!

So, here I am, starting to tell the story of ENSOMA - who we are, what we stand for and most importantly why we are.  But only in 15 minute increments.  

ENSOMA is about helping people develop and strengthen skills that aren't taught in school.  They're skills that, the more you practice them, the more deeply they will affect the quality of your life.  I will make myself vulnerable and share my stories about the changes I've made myself and the courage and effort it has taken.

The most important part of all of this is not to lose your sense of humor, playfulness and perspective along the way.

I look forward to sharing the journey with whatever form that may take.

What is the smallest step you can take on something you've been putting off?

- Aymii


  1. I cleaned out the junk drawer in my kitchen as my small step to start to unclutter . Now to see if I can keep going before the drawer fills up again...

    1. That's awesome! Junk drawers are funny things that seem to take on a life of their own. Now that you've cleaned it out, is there an opportunity to put some new systems in place (like maybe drawer organizers or zip-loc bags) to keep things sorted?

      Congrats for tackling a tough've inspired me to start in on one of my bathroom drawers that seems to have invited all of its friends in for a party.
